en-us-Ichimatsu Beckered Hannyashinkyo

Izumi Ken manage a simple metalworking studio in Asakusa, where the atmosphere of Edo still lingers. The studio contains a retail store, a workshop, and a classroom. Visitors can see not only the finished products and the way we work, but also people learning how to mold metal. They can even partake themselves. The studio is located on the second floor, so it might be difficult to find, but the space is comfortable and relaxed, so we think you will find it a cozy place. Silver is often used to describe the moon. The shape is based on the moon thirteen days old, which has a powerful attraction.
- "The theme in my works is the Journey of life"
- It is the boundless energy that is not second to even the realm of the universe Extending continuously through time and form.
- More numerous than the myriad stars twinkling in the evening sky Greater by far than even the fiery sun.
- It is hard to fathom this energy in infinite motion Except to know that it exists in everything
- And is visible in the all things in the journey of life. Whether there is something vaster I do not know.
- The wonder is that I exist now, here on this earth. The wonder of things I see before me. In the same way, the wonder of all human beings sharing this earth In the same way I exist along with all other things.
Product Details:Heart Sutra is spelled in Kanji. The Kanji of 266 characters was driven into the inside of the bracelet.A free case of paulownia wood is offered.Size: W10mm x T2.4mm, Wrist circumference: S(12-14cm), M(15-17cm), L(18-20cm)Materials: Silver-970Artist's signature: Gold-24Atelier: Ginsen Izumi KenCraftsman: Ken IzumiProfile:Traditional craftsmanMetalworking instructor at Bunka Gakuin, 12 yearsMember of NIPPON CHOKINKAI (Japan Metalworking Academy)Director at the Tokyo Gink (Silverware Industry Association)
The Heart Sūtra (Sanskrit Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya) is a famous sutra in Mahāyāna Buddhism. Its Sanskrit title, Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, literally means "The Heart of the Perfection of Understanding".
theres also carved the name of
みつえ↪︎mitsue & かつお↪︎katsuo
This is read from the top. It is pronounced Mitsue or Katsuo.Each has an impression of an old name in Japan.Katsuo is also the name of a famous Japanese character. The meaning of the name "Mitsue" is: "Branch of light".
Mitsue Name Meaning
The meaning of Mitsue is "Branch of light". Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn't mean something bad or unpleasant. The history and meaning of the name Mitsue is fascinating.
Kanji used to write the name Mitsue include:
- Two kanji with readings mitsu and e
- 光江: "bright river"
- 光衛: "bright protection"
- 光惠: "bright wisdom"
- 光榮: "bright and flourishing"
- 光絵: "bright drawing"
- Two kanji with readings mi and tsue:
- 御杖: "heavenly staff"
- Three kanji with readings mi, tsu, and e:
- 三津枝
みつえ (hiragana), ミツエ (katakana)Pronounced mee-tsuu-e
Meaning & History
This name combines 光 (kou, hikari, hika.ru, mitsu) meaning "light, ray", 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three" or 満 (ban, man, mi.tasu, mi.chiru, mi.tsu) meaning "enough, full, fullness, satisfy" with 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness", 枝 (shi, eda, e) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet" or 栄 (ei, you, e, saka.eru, ha.e, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "flourish, glory, honour, prosperity, splendour."Examples of Mitsue with 3 kanji include 三津恵 and 美津江 with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty" and 津 (shin, tsu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port."This name was most commonly used from the Meiji Period (1868-1912) to the second half of the 20th century but nowadays, it's rarely given to girls, if given at all.Mitsue is also used as a surname (光江, 三枝 & 満江) and a place name.
Gender Masculine 勝雄, etc.(Japanese Kanji) Pronounced KA-TSOO-O
Meaning & History
From Japanese 勝 (katsu) meaning "victory" and 雄 (o) meaning "hero, manly". Other combinations of kanji are also possible.
Etymology : From Japanese (katsu) "victory" and (o) "hero, manly".
Origin : Japanese
Who is he?
Physically strong and masculine, Katsuo is rather magnetic and emanates self-confidence. But one should never judge a book by its cover, and while it is true that Katsuo is dynamic, resourceful, resolute and can even appear gruff or abrupt; he is a big softie, first and foremost. The powerful vibrations of the 1 and the 8 are expressed through his tendency to be authoritarian and bossy, and a little vain. However, Katsuo also cares deeply about others. His sensitivity can be overwhelming and his emotions intense, making him just as capable of great generosity as fierce rage or even violence. He wants to be liked and admired, but never really forgets the ascendancy that he has over others. Difficulty stimulates him and he willingly fights, objects and seeks confrontation. He is extremely argumentative, and although he is essentially individualistic, he often needs other people´s help to succeed. If he participates in group or associative activities (political, sport-related or other), he will want to be the leader! He has an innovative mind and thinks that he can change the world. But if Katsuo is an active, pragmatic man who is made for concrete achievement, then he is also a day-dreamer and an idealist who can be naïve and a little disorganized. He appreciates material wealth and the finer things in life, so he is far from indifferent to the financial sphere. As a child, he is lively, bright and inventive. Proud and touchy, he has trouble accepting a subordinate role, and if he gets stuck with the part he could become rebellious, difficult and argumentative. He could just as easily be fascinated by poetry and art, which nourish his great sensitivity; as by sport or mechanics.
What does he like?He likes to be noticed and admired, to be the centre of attention and to be in charge; such are the desires of this rather self-important individual. He is sensitive to beauty, elegance and distinction. When it comes to love, he is passionate, uncompromising, jealous and a little selfish; however he is nevertheless an attentive lover and his partner´s pleasure is high on his list of priorities, especially when their desires are compatible... A sensual man who is more sentimental than he appears to be, Katsuo isn´t always able to resist temptation, despite his best efforts...What does he do?
He has quite a few different choices: occupations requiring imagination or sensitivity (theatre, art), in connection with travel, the hotel and catering industry, cuisine, mechanics, technology, sport, metallurgy; or any occupation that is physically demanding as well as those that confer them with a certain amount of power or autonomy, such as politics or one of the liberal professions. Otherwise they could find satisfaction through a career in connection with finance (management, banking, accounting...).
2 mm square silver carved by hand (hardware), inner heart of sutra stroke (262 kanji) is inserted inside the bracelet. The outer circumference was formed by tapping it with a hammer. (Wrought metal)
Embarrassed part is inlaid with pure gold. It is a work that also put effort into the invisible part of the bracelet

History of silverware
It is assumed that many years ago Asian nomads on horses relied on metal for their migratory life because it was durable. The manufacturing technology they developed arrived in Japan during the Nara Era, and silverware from that time is exhibited in the Shosoin Archives. Later, silver was used for the Imperial Family's utensils as well as ornaments on weapons during the Warring States Era. Moreover, bronze alloys unique to Japan were created through the mixing of gold and copper.
The use of silver spread to the general population during the latter part of the Genroku period of the Edo Era. People of higher station ordered craftsmen to make chopsticks, pill cases, and pipes. Silverware became common items for city dwellers.
After the start of the Meiji Era, the authorities ordered all swords destroyed. Craftsmen who used to decorate swords took advantage of traditional techniques to make patterned vases, 3-dimensional displays of people in seasonal settings, and Western style accessories.
This silverware was exhibited at international exhibitions and became highly regarded worldwide.
After World War II, Americans with the Occupation brought large amounts of silverware as souvenirs back to the U.S. Many strap-like accessories were mass produced and sold, as well as utensils, spice containers, candle holders, etc., thus leading to the growth of the present Tokyo Ginki(silverware industry).
Izumi Ken silver fountain Heart Sutra bangle bracelet Silver 652 with about 37.7g いづみけん 銀泉 般若心経 バングル ブレスレット シルバー 652 約37.7g 保存箱付
"The theme in my works is the Journey of life" It is the boundless energy that is not second to even the realm of the universe Extending continuously through time and form.
The wonder is that I exist now, here on this earth. The wonder of things I see before me. In the same way, the wonder of all human beings sharing this earth In the same way
I exist along with all other things. More numerous than the myriad stars twinkling in the evening sky Greater by far than even the fiery sun.
It is hard to fathom this energy in infinite motion Except to know that it exists in everything And is visible in the all things in the journey of life. Whether there is something vaster I do not know.