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-Beyond the Lines - Aki's solo
Hasami ware (波佐見焼, Hasami-yaki) is a type of Japanese pottery traditionally from Hasami, Nagasaki prefecture. Originally produced for common people
Risshun (立春) Coming of Spring 二月四日〜八日一候 『東風解凍』thaw seasonはるかぜこおりをとく 東風が厚い氷を解かし始める 1.2/4-8: East wind melts ice.
Japanese flowers UMEA from the plum also blooms in winter, from the blanket of snow that covers the country. It is a symbol of hope in the face of the difficulties that life places before us, of elevated feelings and nobility of mind, to be able to overcome the adversities that winter faces.
Hongo Hideyuki Gold Chawan 「竹笋生」 Bamboo tea bowl Summer Solstice CUP MINT JAPAN