• Temae dōgu (点前道具, "items for the tea-making and service")

A wide range of utensils, known collectively as dōgu, is necessary for even the most basic tea ceremony. Generally, items which guests prepare themselves with for attending a chanoyu gathering are not considered chadōgu; rather, the term fundamentally applies to items involved to "host" a chanoyu gathering. This article, however, includes all forms of implements and paraphernalia involved in the practice of chanoyu. 

Masamitsu Kikuchi in 1937 (1937), Keiten Takahashi, a modern Japanese metal casting craftsman who is a living national treasure. In 1982, Masamitsu Kikuchi was a Japanese craftsman; in the same year, he was Ryo Kikuchi Masamitsu Kobo, a general enthusiast. The works of the swords are the same as the ones in Yamagata, and the elements of the new era...

A sui-teki [水滴] is a water-dropper. It was used to control the amount of water added to an ink-stone (suzuri [硯]), when preparing writing ink. Some sui-teki have an extremely small hole in the spout, so that the water literally is dispensed in droplets, while others (such as the one shown above) are shaped more like ordinary cruets....